Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The great American juice hunt...

So.... A-Rod used a banned substance from 2000-2003. He was the last hope, right? America's last chance to make right the Home Run record debacle of the last decade. The great super athelete who would carry the American past-time for years to come and finally break all the records we have... and do it all without using a single banned substance. 

oh well

I think it goes deeper than that. The people who aren't happy with A-Rod and wanted to expose him as a cheat will never be satisfied unless they have tied all of our sports icons to something. I've been thinking, what would happen if Tiger Woods, Derek Jeter and Peyton Manning were connected to Steroid use? Would the world explode? I don't think so. It would be horrible for our dreams, our children's dreams and the athletes themselves. The world as a whole however, would ultimately be fine. 

There is a witch hunt directed towards those in the brightest spotlight, the highest profile or the most talented. Then why not check out Slam Dunk Champion Dwight Howard. I'm not saying he's on anything, but he certainly is much, much larger than he was in high school. There is no evidence that steroids could possibly improve your performance on a basketball court, but then again there is nothing that says it may improve your baseball skills either.
I'm with Bob Knight on this one "You know, Gatorade is a performance-enhancing drug. Anything with electrolytes is performance-enhancing. Who decides what you can use and what you can't and on what basis is it decided? That's always amazed me. Why can you use this and you can't use that? Every time I turn on television there's an energy drink being advertised. Why isn't that performance-enhancing?"

When it comes to the 'roids my mom says "Everyone is on something!" and while I'd like to disagree with her, mom-dukes is probably right and we should just accept it, embrace it and move on.


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